Version 4.10.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- NuPlasma: Added the ability to read sample names from the stored description.
Recent fixes:
- Export: Fixed an issue when exporting time series data.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.10.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- LIBS: Improved suggested elements in peak context menu.
- LIBS: Added the ability to avoid elements when adding peaks by element.
- LIBS: Improved LOD calculation performance.
- LIBS: Added an option to import peak max.
- 3DTE: Added support for wtpc conversion without normalizing externals.
- 3DTE: Improved error handling and reporting.
- Imaging: Improved external image handling and representation.
- Neoma: Added support for doubly charged channels.
Recent fixes:
- 3DTE: Fixed an issue with block plot scaling.
- UPb: Fixed an issue where U concentrations would not be calculated if Th wasn't measured.
- Trace Elements: Fixed an issue affecting the import of internal standard data.
- Neoma: Fixed an issue for channels with m/z in their name.
- Nu Plasma 2: Fixed an issue affecting half mass channels.
- Custom Plot: Fixed restoring saved plot settings.
- Export: Prevent a crash if trying to export time series data from input channels originating from different instruments.
- Dialogs: Fixed an issue where some dialogs would be stuck behind floating windows.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.10.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Imaging: Added styling options for profiles in imaging.
- Imaging: Styling options for ROI and Profiles can now have a default and be saved in the session.
- Imaging: Added back ability to save out detailed images individually including scale bars and selected ROI/profiles.
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed an issue affecting tiff exports.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.10.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Imaging: Added more precision for external image import controls.
- Imaging: Added a way to rename multiple ROI at once.
- Imaging: Added a way to specify an offset (useful for aligning with some external images).
- Imaging: Now includes ROI/profile component centroid locations in exported data table.
- Imaging: Added SVG as an export format option.
- Imaging: Overhauled exported image sizing and font scaling.
- Imaging: Added an option to include a frame around individual exported images.
- Imaging: Added an option to not include the color scale for individual exported images.
- TOF: Added a way to import additional channels for TOF instruments.
- LIBS: Imaging inspector now shows a warning if the source file cannot be found.
- Reference Materials: Added support for copy/pasting into the reference material data table.
- Cell View: Added a way to hide spots.
- Cell View: Added a way to use coordinates set via python.
- Plugins: Added a shortcut for plugin refresh.
- Custom Plot: Added a way to save in other (non-pdf) formats.
- Installer: Now installs updated MSVC C++ runtime if required.
- Results: Associated results now retain their creation order.
- Python:
- Added channelList for ImportedMassSpecFile.
- Added removeElement, take, element, and simplify for QCPLayoutGrid.
- Added setTickLabelRotation for QCPAxis.
- Added splineOptions.
- Added setProperties for TimeSeries.
- Added setActiveSelection and setActiveSelectionGroup.
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed an issue affecting profile deletion.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential crash with RGB images when the image dimensions change.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue affecting copying of detailed images.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue affecting saving of detailed images.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential hang when exporting pdfs.
- Imaging: Fixed some issues affected exported length scale bars.
- LIBS: Fixed an issue affecting new format LIBS files that are missing shots.
- LIBS: Fixed an issue affecting old format LIBS files that were generated by conversion.
- Import: Fixed a potential crash when importing hundreds of files without using 'Import Folder'.
- Laser Log: Fixed an issue when using sample sync with multiple laser logs.
- Data Browser: Fixed an issue with advanced sample filter.
- Results Table: Fixed an issue where the LOD might not show for wtpc output channels.
- Results: Fixed an issue whereby the LODs for wtpc channels would be in ppm.
- Templates: Fixed a potential issue when using the import action on Windows.
- Discordia Age: Fixed an issue where one ellipse was not drawn when anchored.
- VizualAge: Fixed an issue where the propagated error information was missing from corrected channels.
- Export: Fixed an issue affecting the default export groups when none have been specified.
- Export: Fixed an issue where LOD columns would be created for non-output/concentration channels.
- Selections: Fixed an issue where groups with the same name could be created.
- UPb: Fixed an issue with approx ppm channels when reference material concentrations were in wtpc.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.10.0
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- LIBS: New and improved data format enabling faster reading, compression, and better reliability.
- Imaging: Added the ability to change ROI styling.
- Processing Templates: Added option to ignore selections beyond the available data.
- REEView: Added a way to prevent automatic rescaling.
- Time Series: Now sets the spline type when changing a group's type.
- iCap: Added support for Japanese AM/PM symbols.
- Python: Improved createLaserLog so that a full square wave is created (and can be synced with data).
Recent fixes:
- Neoma: Fixed an issue that prevented some files from loading.
- Thermo Element: Fixed an issue that prevented some files from loading.
- Import: Fixed a potential issue when inserting files into existing data when a channel is missing.
- Export: Prevent crash if there are no channels to export.
- Export: Fix sorting of last row when grouping means/uncertainties/LODs.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential issue with using the mouse wheel on Windows.
- Imaging: Fixed exception when using histogram inspector.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential issue with disjoint ROI pixmap generation.
- Imaging: Prevent crash if trying to configure a mask filter without any data imported.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential issue with the aspect ratio of exported images.
- Python: Fixed a potential issue with imaging.spaceToChannels.
- IsoplotR: Fixed cancel.
- Cell View: Fixed a potential crash when using sample maps and linked selections.
- DRS: Fixed an issue with baseline subtract that could convert some values into NaN unintentionally.
- Splines: Fixed an issue related to linked selections.
- Trace Elements: Fixed an issue with TotalPb for data that is already background subtracted.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.9.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Trace Elements: Added an option to have output channels in wt. % if reference material concentrations are in wt. %.
- Imaging: Added new scale bar position options: top center and bottom center.
- Imaging: Added a way to export data from the histogram imaging inspector.
- Neoma: Can now handle '++' in channel names.
- Other minor cosmetic changes.
Recent fixes:
- icpTOF: Fixed a potential crash.
- Time Series: Fixed a potential issue with linked selection button positioning.
- U-Pb: Fixed a potential issue when one of the ratios has bad down-hole data.
- 3DTE: Fixed a potential issue if your reference material has a concentration and uncertainty of 0 for an element.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.9.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- General Importer: Added a way to get the timestamp from an adjacent Perkin Elmer NC file.
- Vitesse: Added an option to treat imported Vitesse channels as already baseline subtracted.
- Imaging: Improved constant spacing spot placement algorithm.
- Imaging: Reduced memory usage of smaller images.
- Selections: Create selections now recognizes and removes duplicate numbers of the form "(N)".
- Selections: Improved name matching.
- Preferences: Added a button to restore UI plugin resources.
- Icons: Allow font used for icons to be loaded from system fonts folder.
- UI: Minor cleanups and tweaks.
Recent fixes:
- Vitesse Raw: Fixed a potential issue when encountering a null image name in the metadata.
- Time Series: Fixed a rare crash.
- Python: Fixed an issue that was preventing pandas' to_clipboard from working on Mac.
- 3DTE: Fixed bundling of processing templates ui file.
- LIBS: Fixed a potential crash when the h5 file is readable but 1 or more individual datasets is corrupt.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.9.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Imaging: Added a way to create "spot" ROI randomly, on a grid, or by blob detection.
- Imaging: Added an option to subdivide disjoint ROI by contiguous area.
- Imaging: Improved concordia inspector style.
- Imaging: Sped up mask filter if the filter is based on the channel the filter is being applied to.
- Imaging: Added support for csv matrices as external images.
- Imaging: Added createPlot to the python interface.
- Imaging: Improved RGB save to pdf.
- Imaging: Added a way to change the maximum image pixel resolution via the preferences.
- LIBS: Added an (experimental) interesting feature finder based on this work.
- LAX: Added support for sample maps as external images.
- LAX: Added support for non-csv embedded data files.
- Vitesse raw: Added missing metadata.
- Vitesse raw: Added support for importing from
- Vitesse text: Now allows different analytes per file in a vit.
- icpTOF: Added initial support for segments.
- Agilent: Added support for '(' and ')' in file / sample name.
- iCAP: Added UTC offset.
- UPb: Improved handling of baselines and masking.
- VizualAge: Added option for not "no Th" when doing 208-based correction.
- 3DTE: Added variable affinity correction cutoff.
- 3DTE: Improved affinity reference material menu.
- 3DTE: Improved handling of RM values of 0.
- Python: Added a version function to get the current iolite version.
- Python: Added several functions for reading/writing hdf5 files.
- Results table: Added a way to show error and LOD in separate columns.
- Stacked plot: Added a way to show the mean + 2 SE of the average.
- Trace elements: Added wtpc_oxide as an IS units option.
- A dark title bar will now be used on windows if the theme is dark.
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed a potential issue related to matrix size.
- Imaging: Fixed a bug with the presets menu.
- Imaging: Fixed color scale alignment.
- Imaging: Fixed channels menu not reflecting a group change.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential issue with images from LAX files.
- LIBS: Fixed a potential issue if a peaks upper and lower integration wavelengths were reversed.
- LIBS: Fixed a potential issue where the window might not restore its previous state properly if the screen geometry has changed.
- Laser log: Prevent crash if there is no useful data in the log.
- Automatic selections: Fixed a potential crash when clicking the remove button.
- Time series: Fixed an issue with saving and restoring channel axis ranges.
- icpTOF: Fixed a potential bug with the buf times and data don't agree on the number of writes.
- Vitesse text: Fixed a bug whereby metadata would be added even if adding the data failed.
- RM browser: Fixed potential uncaught exception.
- Export: Fixed a potential crash.
- Data: Fixed a potential issue with file overlap checking.
- VizualAge: Prevent uncaught exception if the plot is open but the required channels aren't available.
- 3DTE: Prevent trying to calculate channels that have no external set.
- LAX: Fixed a potential issue with log import.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.9.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Imaging: Added the ability to save settings as presets or to be used by default.
- Imaging: Now keeps track of "from selection" image sizes per group.
- Imaging: Added a quality slider for image export.
- LIBS: Improved missing spectra detection.
- LIBS: Added decimation to image preview (making it much faster to update).
- LIBS: Added better peak preset management.
- DRS: Added presets for data reduction schemes.
- IsoplotR: Added a way to automatically upload data to IsoplotR for plotting/analysis.
- Time series: Added shortcuts (alt + up/down) to switch the displayed channel.
- Time series: Improved preset management.
- Trace elements: When importing internal data, the values are immediately applied if the element is already set.
- Channels browser: Added the ability to add and modify channel properties.
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed a potential crash when using the RGB image tools.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential issue affecting cell space if a selection extends beyond the laser log.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue that could occur if selections had a duration <= 0.
- 3DTE: Fixed using a fractionation correction when using multiple internal elements.
- 3DTE: Fixed an issue that could occur if "normalize to" was left as none.
- Discordia age: Fixed a potential issue when anchoring a discordia age.
- Stats: Fixed geometric mean for data <= 0.
- Selections: Fixed copying selections with cropping.
- Data browser: Fixed a potential crash when unloading a laser log.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.9.0
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- 3DTE: Can now use gelatine reference materials. See here for the workflow.
- 3DTE: Can now use isotopic concentrations. This feature can be enabled in iolite's preferences.
- 3DTE: Improved error messages.
- Imaging: New box plot image inspector: get summary stats such as min, max, median for your ROIs.
- Imaging: Improved ROI to selection group.
- Imaging: Added a way to change CellSpace spot placement algorithm in the UI.
- Imaging: Significant speed up when using alternative CellSpace spot placement algorithms.
- Imaging: Added a context menu to the imaging overview to export image stats.
- Imaging: Improved color gradient selector.
- LIBS: iolite LIBS importer can now handle simultaneous ICCD and ESLumen datasets
- LIBS: Improved handling of missing spectra.
- LIBS: Improved messaging when doing a long full spectrum PCA operation.
- LIBS: Improved importing additional lines on top of an existing session.
- LIBS: Updated the built-in LIBS line database to include up to 200 lines per element.
- icpTOF Importer: Can now import your data as counts per second or ions per extraction.
- icpTOF Importer: Added support for using spot analysis data as log metadata source.
- Neoma Importer: Added support for pre- / post-shift mass recognition.
- Perkin Elmer netcdf Importer: Added support for .cdf files.
- Perkin Elmer csv Importer: Now reads counts files.
- Vitesse Import: Added support for using raw data.
- Python: Moved python cache location outside of program files/app bundle.
- Export: Added the ability to use expressions in LOD replacement.
- Export: Added the ability to rearrange columns into a Glitter-like format.
- Export: Added an option to export sums.
- Time Series View: Added double-clicking an already visible channel to hide it.
- Hover Stats: Added an option to use the hover stats channel when double-clicking a data point to go to the time series view.
- Automatic Selections: Now removes duplicate numbers indicated by dash (as well as underscore).
- Samples Browser: Improved create selections dialog.
- General: Code signing for Mac and Windows builds.
Recent fixes:
- 3DTE: Fixed issue where internal standard values were reset when setting the affinities.
- 3DTE: Fixed some issues with sum normalisation approach that might stop concentrations being calculated.
- 3DTE: Fixed some potential issues with sorting selections into blocks.
- 3DTE: Fixed some issues with linked selections.
- 3DTE: Fixed an issue where the spline type might be overridden unnecessarily.
- 3DTE: Fixed a potential issue affecting low concentration channels used in a sum normalization scheme.
- 3DTE: Fixed a potential issue when dealing with non-elemental channels.
- 3DTE: Fixed an issue affecting total Pb and datasets that have background subtracted input channels.
- Trace Elements Next: Fixed a potential crash.
- Imaging: Fixed some issues associated with applying masks to From Selections images.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue when dealing with multiple laser logs that are out of order.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential crash if double-clicking an empty space in the imaging overview.
- Imaging: Fixed a problem affecting blank parts of a From Selections image.
- LIBS: Fixed some minor issues affecting the image preview.
- LIBS: Fixed an issue affecting the LIBS image inspector when using stacking on import.
- LIBS: Fixed an issue affecting the writing/reading of LIBS metadata.
- Vitesse Text Importer: Fixed possible crash when loading small batches of files.
- Vitesse Text Importer: Improved metadata reading.
- Vitesse Text Importer: Fixed a potential issue when using vit files created on macOS.
- Perkin Elmer csv Importer: Fixed issue where measurements could have the same timestamp. iolite now interpolates the reported timestamps to get a more accurate timestamp.
- Perkin Elmer csv Importer: Fixed channel name syntax.
- Session Importer: Fixed a bug when opening old iolite session files that may cause a crash on load.
- Folder Importer: Fixed an issue when trying to import one or more empty files.
- Neoma Importer: Fixed a potential crash if the xml format was incorrect.
- General Importer: Fixed a potential issue related to empty rows.
- Custom Plot: Fixed some issues related to handling error bars and legends.
- Sums Calculations: Fixed interpolation and added a new mode "fill" that fills each pulse interval with the sum value.
- Data Reduction Schemes: Fixed a potential crash related to doing background subtraction.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.9
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- LAX: Added a dialog to select which data files and logs to import.
- LAX: Laser log is now synchronized to the data after import automatically.
- Laser log: Added options to skip events based on duration or position in sample.
- 3DTE: Added reference for Paul et al. (2023).
Recent fixes:
- 3DTE: Fixed a potential crash when clicking on the DRS.
- 3DTE: Fixed an issue that could produce many warnings about unit conversion.
- AttoM: Changed the way dwell times are read.
- XSeriesII: Fixed a potential issue with malformed datafiles.
- Laser log: Fixed a bug affecting logs from some instruments.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.8
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Imaging: Added tools to help choose RGB color channels.
- Imaging: Added options when converting ROI to selection group.
- Imaging: Added the ability to export ROI and profiles individually.
- Imaging: Added a direct input for rotation angle.
- Agilent importer: Added support for Japanese characters.
- Laser log sync: Initial support for time dilation.
- Vitesse: Added support for doing a partial import.
- Python: Added ability to include sums when getting statistics in a data frame.
Recent fixes:
- Selection browser: Improved performance.
- Processing templates: Fixed link selections action.
- Imaging: Fixed a bug with the spatial arrangement of from selections images.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue with disjoint ROI pixmap generation.
- Agilent: Fixed issue when channel names do not include element.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.7
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Lumen: Initial support for image preview in import dialog.
- Imaging: Added auto rotate to pseudo 3d image.
- Imaging: Performance improvements for large ROI.
- Imaging: Added support for 1 pixel per spot in cell space.
- Imaging: Added ability to invert color scale.
- Imaging: Changed the adjusted pixels per spot algorithm to result in fewer gaps.
- Imaging: Improved polygonal ROI data indexing.
- Imaging: Added an indicator for the pixels per spot actually used (i.e., if it has been restricted by the maximum image resolution).
- Color maps: Added a way to easily import .lut or .txt files, e.g., from
- Initial Support for turning most plots into a "custom plot".
- Python: Added setTicks for QCPAxis.
- Perkin Elmer: Added support for new .csv files.
- General importer: Added semi-colon as delimiter option.
- General importer: Added ability to set the time column.
- General importer: Added ability to omit columns from import.
- General importer: Added ability to get element from mass for files that don't record the element.
- General importer: Added option for the number of preview lines to load.
- Automatic selections: Reduced minimum duration.
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed ROI merging when one ROI is disjoint.
- Imaging: Fixed a potential crash.
- Imaging: Fixed large fonts in scale bars being cutoff.
- Imaging: Fixed some issues with histogram and density inspectors when data were invalid.
- Imaging: Fixed potential issues with from selections geometry.
- Various fixes to color maps making use of transparency.
- CellView: Fixed rectangular spot overlay.
- Neoma: Fixed a potential import problem.
- icpTOF: Fixed a potential crash when dealing with invalid data.
- Fixed data indexing when a selection end exactly overlaps a data point.
- Analytik Jena: Fixed issue with files that do not contain quotes.
- Color maps: Fixed issue preventing the removal of a control point.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.6
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed a potential crash when adjusting parameters affecting all images.
- Lumen: Fixed a potential crash if when importing with global background subtraction.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.5
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- CellView: A new visualization plugin that allows you to view Chronicle or image log images spatially and correlated with your time resolved data.
- Imaging: Added the ability to copy detailed views to the clipboard.
- Lumen: Added the ability to normalize prior to full spectrum PCA.
- Vitesse: Added an option to use the full XY data rather than beginning and end with interpolation.
Recent fixes:
- Automatic Selections: Fixed an issue where the baseline options would be shown even if unselected.
- Lumen: Fixed a potential crash if there is a problem with the Lumen pattern metadata.
- Lumen: Fixed an issue with the LIBS image inspector when the session has an older type of metadata.
- Lumen: Make PCA numbering consistent with other PCA tools.
- Reference materials: Fixed a situation whereby iolite would try to use a non-existent reference material path without letting you know there was a problem.
- Python: Fixed an issue when trying to use matplotlib on a Mac.
- UCPb: Fixed an issue where a reference material would require an "Age" even if it wasn't used.
- 3DTE: Fixed some issues with block fitting.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue that would prevent a session from loading if imaging was set up with a selection of 0 duration.
- Vitesse: Fixed an issue loading the last column from text files.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- icpTOF: Various changes to reduce memory usage and speed up import of unoptimized files.
- icpTOF: Added a dialog to the import preferences that allows you to customize which channels to import. Reducing the number of channels to import will save time and memory.
- Imaging: Optimizations to speed up initial image construction.
- Imaging: Added font customization.
- Imaging: Improved splitter, now drawing a line and labelling the sections.
- Database: Added an update all option when modified sessions are found.
- Database: Added a way to update the path for selected sessions.
- LaserLog: Improved ImageLog matching.
- Lumen: Made it possible to initiate a Lumen import from the usual "Import file" button.
- Lumen: Added full spectrum PCA on import.
- Vitesse: Improved laser metadata import.
- Hf Isotopes: Added a way to use Yb172 rather than Yb171.
- Templates: Added an option to remove run number during auto selections action.
- Templates: Improved import speed.
- Attom: Added support for doubly charged channels
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed issue with manual transforms when applying a rotation and moving with mouse.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue with discrete color levels.
- Imaging: Fixed an issue that could occur when using grayscale representation of external image.
- icpTOF: Fixed an issue importing data when some spots were invalid.
- Database: Fixed a bug when updating sessions.
- Lumen: Fixed an issue importing laser metadata.
- Lumen: Fixed an issue related to spot coordinates in the absence of laser metadata.
- Lumen: Fixed issues related to having multiple files with different wavelengths in the import dialog.
- Lumen: Fixed an issue when importing data with warmup shots.
- Lumen: Fixed a potential issue when importing multiple files
- Lumen: Fixed some issues with the LIBS image inspector when dealing with multiple files.
- 3DTE: Fixed an issue with pasting values from Excel.
- TimeSeries: Fixed an issue with image popup when using LAX files.
- TimeSeries: Fixed an issue that would change the active selection group when changing a group's spline type.
- DRS: Fixed inconsistency in labelling of clear before crunch.
- Tools: Added indication when PCA or K-means processes finish.
- Templates: Fixed an issue when running 3DTE in a template.
- Templates: Fixed an issue that could cause flickering of template actions during a run, particularly on Mac.
- Splines: Fixed a potential issue with the StepBack spline.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Imaging: Added option for image stack to treat values as splitter rather than opacity
- Imaging: Added option for discrete color levels
- Imaging: Added shift + mouse click and drag as a way to pan detailed image views
- Imaging: Prevent 3-point external image registration from proceeding unless 3 points have been set
- Imaging: Added left/right arrow keybindings to move between 2D image detailed view
- Added an option in preferences to enable colorblindness style adjustments
- Built-in Vitesse csv importer
- Added 2SD to summary stats tooltips
- Python API additions:
- selection.isSame(otherSelection)
- selection.indexOf()
- selection.errorStatus()
- selection.errorMessage()
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with syncing split-stream data where channel time bounds were not updated after syncing
- Fixed an issue with custom imaging ranges
- Fixed issue with results update when changing stats type
- U-Pb: Fixed a potential issue relate to 208/206 if 208 was not measured
- 3DTE: Fixed issues related to missing element coverage in some blocks
- LAX: Fixed an issue for getting sample maps with spaces in their name
- Export: Fixed typo in LOD references
- Imaging: Fixed issue with manipulating ROI/profiles in the detailed stack view
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Laser Logs: Improved synchronizing
- 3DTE: Improved compatability with LIBS and TOF data
- Data Syncer: Now allows individual syncing of secondary instrument files
- Imaging: Improved stats inspector style
- Export: Configuration menus for channels and groups now stay open after selecting an item
- LIBS: Improvements for image inspector, including averaging all spectra in the ROI, better coloring, legend and more
- LIBS: Added a way to change the HDF5 file associated with a LIBS import from the files browser
- LIBS: Various speed-ups and fixes, particularly when working with multiple source files
Recent fixes:
- Imaging: Fixed a potential issue affecting the limits used for plotting
- VizualAge: Fixed an issue with 204 and 208 corrections when channels aren't prefixed with Pb
- Neoma: Fixed an issue when importing multiple Neoma files
- Python: Fixed an issue creating file and sample metadata
- Selection KMeans: Fixed an issue when clearing previously computed groups
- Python Workspace: Fixed an issue when resetting the workspace
- DRS: Fixed a potential issue when creating beam seconds from a laser log when the log extends beyond the available data
- Histogram: Fixed a potential issue with the lower limit
- Plotting: Prevent a potential crash when no data provider is available
- LIBS: Fixed an issue on Mac where the spectra table header context menu was inaccessible
- LIBS: Fixed a potential issue in assigning the pattern shot number for a spectrum
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- PCA: Added options for normalization
- PCA: Added explained variance and coefficients as PCA channel properties
- ESLumen: Added an image inspector to show the spectrum associated with the pixel under the loupe
- ESLumen: Added automatic detection of time units (for compatability with different LIBS data sources)
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with nearest interpolation
- Fixed an issue where you could end up with null LODs when using too few reference material measurements with a smoothing spline
- Fixed an issue that could result in total beam not being calculated for Perkin Elmer NetCDF imports
- Fixed a potential issue when creating selections from samples
- Added 238U/206Pb back to the UComPbine DRS
- Fixed a potential issue restoring ROI data when loading a session that could result in an exception
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.8
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added a new tool to do PCA of channel data
- Added a new tool to do K-means clustering of channel data
- Added a new tool to do K-means clustering of selection data
- Added a new tool to construct histograms
- Improved menu layout to make finding tools easier
- Added RM-normalised 238U/206Pb, 208Pb/206Pb and 232Th/238U channels to UPb Geochronology DRS.
- Added optional ionisation energy normalization for modelled sensitivities in 3D trace elements
- Improved snap sync when synchronizing two data sets
- Improved laser log sample sync
- Added the ability to manually adjust sample sync results individually
- ESLumen: Added support for new data format including laser log metadata
- ESLumen: Improved element matching when right-clicking on a spectrum
- ESLumen: Added a setting to configure the number of lines shown per element
- ESLumen: Now saves general settings between uses
- ESLumen: Improved peak plot scaling
- ESLumen: Added searching and sorting to the spectrum table
- ESLumen: Improved the way lines are plotted on the spectrum
- ESLumen: Added a context menu to the spectra table that allows exporting spectra data to Excel
- Improved import speed for Analytik Jena files
- Added support for Perkin Elmer .CDF
- Added option to remove duplicate number when running auto-selections
- Added more details to the QA/QC secondary check
- Improved external image alignment when not using a .coord file
- Added "Save data" to many plot context menus
- Selection times are no longer limited to milliseconds
- Many under the hood improvements and optimizations
- Optimized icpTOF importer and created a tool to reformat the icpTOF h5 file and remove unnecessary data to further optimize the import and reduce file size (contact support if you want to test this tool)
- Expanded python API:
- Added data.createTimeSeriesFromSums(...)
- Added imaging.spaceToChannels(...)
Recent fixes:
- Fixed a couple of potential issues with masking in for the U-Pb data reduction schemes
- Fixed a potential issue with step forward interpolation
- Fixed a potential issue with masking in the 3D trace elements DRS
- Fixed sorting in 3D trace elements block configuration dialog
- Fixed an issue with the python workspace where it might try to use a font that was not available
- Fixed a bug in the Analytik Jena importer that would sometimes import a channel with a blank name
- Fixed a bug potential bug in the Neoma importer
- Fixed an issue with Agilent import where '248' was the name of the last channel
- ESLumen: Fixed a potential bug with gaps between samples
- ESLumen: Fixed a bug with the "AllLight" channel
- ESLumen: Fixed a potential bug when using stacking for an import
- ESLumen: Fixed a bug where the line for a peak would still be on the spectrum after it was deleted
- Fixed the name of 87Sr/86Sr in the C_MMC reference material
- Fixed a potential bug when assigning dwell times during Thermo Element import
- Mac touch bar support has been removed due to related instability in newer version of macOS
- Fixed a potential infinite loop in 3d image
- Fixed a bug when importing reference material data embedded in an io4 permanently
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.7.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added spot size to export options
- Various improvements to iolite's command line functionality
- Improvements to laser sample sync
- Added undo for removing selection groups from the time series view
- Added a warning to the calculator tool when creating input channels
- Added the ability to create custom peaks by interacting with an ESLumen spectrum
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with exporting spot x,y,z positions to csv files.
- Fixed a potential issue reading ESLumen metadata
- Fixed a potential issue with the step forward interpolator
- Fixed an issue when using cutoff for beam seconds
- Fixed an issue affecting U-Pb down-hole data compilation
- Fixed an issue affecting cell space images created from icpTOF data
- Fixed a potential issue where the first datapoint of an ESLumen import would be at the wrong time
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.7
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added LIBS importer for ESLumen
- Added an importer for ActiveView2 LAX files including Chronicle data and logs
- Added support for imaging/external images from images embedded in ActiveView2 LAX files
- Added a custom color gradient tool to make your own color gradients
- Improved LOD handling for low sample intensity
- Added linked selection start, end, and mid-times to python API
- Added "group" to the imaging python API
- Added laser repetition rate to the data tracked by laser logs
- Added a way to use "pulse coords" for imaging rather than simply interpolating between line start/end points
- Added the ability to use an external image as the color for a 3D image
- Using sample sync when importing a laser log now also adjusts the underlying coordinate data relevant for imaging
- RGB images now have the alpha channel set by considering the R, G, and B images rather than just the last set image
- Added setProperty/setPropertiesForSelections to the group python API
- Improved ROI from seed when using disjoint mode
- Sped up import or creation of many selection groups/selections
- Added alt + double-click to plot only the selected channel in the time series view
- Added bitmap as a supported image type for external images
- Added ctrl + mouse wheel to zoom external image when aligning manually
- Added milliseconds to time series view x-axis when zoomed in
Recent fixes:
- Better handling of corrupt images when trying to import an external image
- Fixed an issue in the general importer when the header is not properly defined
- Fixed an issue affecting the "target" image for image properties in the 3D image setup
- Fixed an issue affecting the import speed of some external images
- Fixed an issue double-clicking an io4 file to open it on Mac
- Fixed an issue with step forward interpolation in some cases
- Fixed an issue importing some Perkin Elmer NetCDF files
- Fixed an issue in 3D trace elements for RMs with 0 concentrations
- Fixed an issue storing and restoring python-based DRS settings
- Fixed an issue exporting QA/QC sum of diffs to Excel or text
- Fixed an issue setting sample internal standard values in 3D trace elements
- Fixed an issue in 3D trace elements involving linked selections
- Fixed an issue whereby the channels and groups menus in the export configuration can have channels or groups selected that you could not unselect
- Fixed an issue in manual external image alignment where a scaled image was not translated properly when dragging
- Fixed an issue affecting spline and running median down-hole fits where only the beam seconds spanned by your reference material would be corrected
- Minor UI fixes
- Other minor bug fixes
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.6.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added 3D Trace Elements Processing Template action so that you can now use the 3D Trace Elements DRS in your Processing Templates
- Added Processing Template action for setting selection properties. You can use this to set metadata about your selections (e.g. set an IGSN for all selections within a group etc)
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with setting limits for image color scales
- Fixed an issue with timestamps in AttoM files
- iolite will now prompt you for a file type in the File Export if you haven't selected one before clicking Export
- Fixed an issue with setting group properties in the Selection Browser
- Trace Elements Next DRS now effectively masks channels per settings
- Fixed an issue with box row/col image filter
- Fixed an issue when exporting csv files from iolite where a comma in the table would add any extra column
- Other bug fixes
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.6
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Significantly improved imaging speed and responsiveness
- Added the ability to disable automatic updating of images when parameters are changed and a button to update the images on demand
- Optimized adding many samples at once from the samples browser
- Optimized icpTOF import
- Optimized the calculation of imaging region of interest stats (making the imaging data table more responsive)
- Added a progress indicator for images being generated
- Improved the General Importer to allow multiple file import
- Changed the General Importer time format to be ISO
- The color scale for RGB images now uses maximum brightness / Maxwell's color triangle
- Added "Batlow" as a color gradient preset
- AttoM importer now reads channel metadata from the analysis file
- Added a maximum duration for automatic selections from channels
- Improved disjoint ROI pixmap generation
- Improved responsiveness of properties in selection browser
- Improved start time
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with the Thermo FIN2 importer where the earliest selection in an experiment may not have been created when creating selections from file samples
- Fixed some minor issues with the 3D Trace Elements DRS
- Fixed several small issues with imaging
- Fixed a bug affecting python signals in custom scripts for new sessions
- Fixed a bug with the rendering of an RGB image's scale
- Fixed a potential crash in the Time Series View when there is no visible channel data
- Fixed a timing issue with imported AttoM data
- Fixed a bug preventing the line ending coordinate type from updating when changed in a custom plot's settings
- Fixed a number format issue when switching between log and linear in various plots
- Fixed a few memory leaks
- Fixed an issue that could cause the discordia age QA/QC module to never pass
- Fixed an issue whereby image matrices and pixmaps were constructed at a much higher resolution than necessary (taking a lot of time and memory, potentially crashing iolite)
- Fixed an issue where previous detailed images would linger after changing the imaging group
- Fixed an issue with the General Importer where file metadata would be added even if the import failed due to an overlap issue
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Improved the General Importer to allow multiple file import
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.7
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added improvements to 3D Trace Elements DRS for modelling sensitivities.
- Updated Analytik Jena importer so that it can handle new file format
- Added rotation to exported image matrices and individual images when used
- Added a preference to select different application stylesheets
- Style tweaks
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with loading plugins, which may have affected restoring imaging settings
- Fixed a potential issue with exported image matrices when using Excel format
- Fixed a potential issue with storing/restoring image color gradients
- Fixed a possible crash when setting an axis in the time series view without a selected channel
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.6
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added an option for unified y axes in the main Time Series View
- Further improvements to iolite's startup process
- Added an option to the File menu to open the folder containing the current session. This can be very useful for finding sessions with similar names.
- Enhanced reliability of the individual sample sync feature
- Added a new option for getting the file start time in PE NetCDF files (see Preferences -> Import)
- Improved the user messages when files overlap to help troubleshoot
- Added the Approx Pb content calculation to UComPbine/VA DRS
- Laser x and y coordinates can now be exported as separate columns, and z coordinates are now also imported into sessions from laser log files (if available)
- Laser x, y +/- z can now be exported for time series exports as well as stats
- The '' file now includes functions MSWD and excessUncertainty
- More improvements to iolite's import process to load data faster
- Added persistent history for the python console
- Added a way to use a modelled sensitivity to 3D trace elements allowing semi-quant concentrations to be calculated without a reference value
- Several changes to the python API, including some changes to the way QCPAxis is used. More detail will be on the blog and forum
- Added QCPItemLine
- Added QCPMarginGroup
- Added QCPLayoutGrid
- Added QCPRange
- Added QCP (notably, this allows the use of MarginSides, e.g. QCP.msLeft)
- Improved QCPAxis (note: the API has changed!)
- Added setBackground for QCPAxisRect
- Improved conversion between python lists and numpy arrays with iolite's built-in data types
- Added a way to get a list of linked selection UUIDs
- Added a way to speed up python-based importers by adding multiple channels to iolite at once: data.addManyDataToInput(...)
- The bundled scripts (e.g. image inspectors, databased scripts, 3D trace elements) were updated to the new plotting API
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with creating beam seconds from mass spec and laser log samples
- Fixed a potential issue when exporting coordinates
- Fixed a potential crash in the U-Pb DRS' when switching between primary reference material groups with a different number of selections
- Fixed a memory leak in importers
- Fixed an issue where automatic selections would not list an associated file if the match matched an entire file
- Fixed an issue with automatic selections from channels where the duration could be 0
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added a "disjoint" option to image ROI from seed, making it
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with using the python database interface when using the db.Model query mode
- Fixed an issue when automatically determining dwell times
- Fixed cosmetic issue when importing zip files
- Fixed a potential issue when laser log events occur at the same time
- Fixed the image size slider to cover a more reasonable range
- Fixed an issue with the UI plugin template
- Fixed an issue with the weighted average DB script
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Improved startup speed and added a progress indicator for plugin initialization
- Added shortcuts (left and right arrow) to navigate to change the active selection to the previous/next in the group
- Significantly sped up python DB API functions for data frame and column
- Expanded python API with respect to QCPLayer and QCPAxisRect
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with custom plot ranges
- Fixed an issue when saving the results table as csv
- Fixed a potential crash when using iolite's python API to gather database data
- Fixed issue where loupe ROI would have 0 for numberOfPoints
- Fixed an issue with image scale bar text alignment when the length was smaller than the text
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Expanded python plotting API to include functions for clearing plottables and specific layers
- Expanded python plotting API to include functions for plotting bar graphs
- Added more properties to laser log samples obtained via python API
- Added normalization options to REE image inspector
- Changed the Perkin Elmer importer to default mass 204 to Pb
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with 208-based common Pb correction in VizualAge
- Fixed an issue writing and reading selection coordinates to/from session files
- Fixed issue where laser log sample coordinates were not transferred to selections sometimes
- Fixed an issue with the trial licence indicator/button
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue caused by laser log sorting for some instruments
- Fixed an issue with searching samples by criteria
- Made registering associated results from python more robust
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.5
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Double clicking on an image in the overview brings you to the detailed tab
- Allow running python code from python (e.g. running a python-based DRS from a python script)
- Improved style in python workspace
- Summary stats MSWD now reports internal and propagated uncertainty (when available)
- Added group selection count to results tables (summary stats and xy)
- Added local sample syncing for the laser log sync window -- this does the usual global sync of the mass spec data and laser log then refines each analysis locally
- Added image log tooltips to samples browser
- Added a null spline check that will log an error if found and suggest changing the spline type
- UcomPbine now does 207/206 fractionation correction before the common Pb correction
- Laser log data are now sorted before processing to help with issues related to out-of-order laser log data
- Made some changes to allow the iolite window to be smaller
- Extended python API
Recent fixes:
- Fixed style of some imaging inspectors
- Fixed some style and functionality issues with export favorites
- Fixed a potential error in VizualAge UcomPbine
- Made things more consistent between U-Pb Geochronology and UcomPbine
- Fixed an issue where < 0 sensitivity resulted in negative LODs
- Fixed an issue where very large selection rectangles in time series view causes a major slow down
- Fixed some issues with plugin manager
- Fixed the path goto button in preferences for site-packages
- Fixed an issue with the QA/QC python template
- Fixed an issue for trace elements DRS in semi-quant mode when calculating LODs
- Added a check to prevent replacing input data when creating channels from python
- Fixed an issue when using linked selections for U-Pb reference material
- Reduced the number of warnings logged when trace elements LOD calculations fail
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added an option to add a background color in imaging export
- pip compatibility improvements
- Expanded python api to support image creation from python
- Expanded python api to support creating a pandas data frame directly via data.frame(...)
- Improved Hf isotopes DRS optimization
- Added the ability to create a new database from the processing templates database export action
- Added a deconvolution image filter
- Added an importer for the Neoma XML format
- Added the sum of absolute percent difference to the secondary QA/QC module
- Added some presets to the convolution image filter
- Added options for python syntax highlighting colors and font
- Improved readability of disabled menu items
- Improved accessibility of syncronization plots by adding an option to make one trace dashed
- Synchronized the styling and fitting between the U-Pb DRS and UComPbine
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue affecting processing templates database export
- Fixed some bugs in the Hf isotopes DRS
- Fixed an issue creating Result objects in python
- Fixed an issue with 3DTE that would prevent the LODs from being calculated
- Fixed an issue saving/reloading a session with selection groups containing '/' in their name
- Fixed a typo in the Z_GJ1 reference material data
- Fixed a potential crash when using the database python interface
- Fixed an issue with Agilent importer when "+" is in the file name
- Added some sanity checks to 3DTE to provide more useful error messages
- Fixed syntax highlighting of python export code editor
- Now clear sensitivites when starting a trace elements DRS so there is no confusion with sensitivities coming from earlier runs
- Fixed selection warning when using linked selections
- Fixed issue when using log scaling in data sync
- Fixed an issue when using Agilent XML meta data but also wanting to use the 'Printed' time stamp
- Fixed an issue in the U-Pb DRS that could result in large negative mean ages when the 207/206 ratio was very low
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added some more strategies to the selection refiner
- Added tooltips to some buttons to clarify what they're for
- Added an option to the replace null imaging filter to only replace null data that is surrounded by finite data
- Added start and end coordinates to stored laser log information and copy that information to selections created from the log
- Expanded python API re imaging
- Added preliminary support for 'geometric mean' stats
- Added a python path sanity check on startup that will reset to the default if certain files cannot be found
- Added an option to view the release notes to the help menu
- Added actions to the time series widget context menu to move, copy or delete the active selection
- Significant speed up for importing folders or zip files containing hundreds of data files
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue that was causing Excel errors in exported data with embedded QA/QC images
- Fixed an issue with 3D trace elements where criteria values might only accept integers
- Fixed an issue with VizualAge ellipse plotting
- Fixed an issue where the statsmodels python package (used by 3D Trace Elements) would not work on older versions of macOS
- Fixed an issue that might occur when using step linear interpolation, particularly on large datasets
- Fixed an issue when changing the Loupe size in Imaging
- Fixed an issue when importing sessions into the database that might result in a 'NOT NULL' error
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- A new selection refinement UI plugin is bundled (see Tools->Refine selections)
- Added a new tool for finding selections that may cause issues or errors with your experiments. More details here
- Added tools for changing the order of images and sorting them by mass in the imaging overview
- Preliminary support for exporting preferences and importing them in another installation of iolite
- Made external image "coord" file matching more flexible
- Relocation of ImageLog images that have moved
- Added support for the 'Sample name' attribute in icpTOF data files lacking laser/imaging metadata
- Expanded python API, including the ability to manipulate laser log arrays
- Added diff support when checking resources that have been modified
- Added an image filter for replacing null data
- Updated 3rd party libraries, notably now using Qt 5.15 and Python 3.8
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue when refreshing plugins that could result in duplicate entries in the Tools menu
- Added an option for image export to disable transparency thus making the PDFs compatible with CorelDRAW
- Fixed a potential error when selecting a blank selection group for imaging
- Fixed some issues with 3D imaging scaling
- Fixed a warning when using trace elements DRS in semi-quant mode
- Fixed gradient selector in heatmap selector plugin
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added advanced sample search to samples browser so that samples can be found matching not only name but also metadata (e.g. spot size, speed)
- Added support for an additional image log naming convention -- SampleName_Ablation_done.png
- Improved visibility of checkboxes in tables
- Added restore for built-in python-based data reduction schemes to advanced preferences
- Added an indicator icon next to selections that contain no data -- previously these would not plot at all making them difficult to track down
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with loading mass-shifted experiments on iCap instruments
- Empty selections (i.e. selections that do not overlap with measured data) no longer break propagated error calculations and improved reporting where empty selections occur
- Improved detection of duplicate channel names in Thermo Element/Neptune files
- Fixed an issue with importing Reference Material Int Std values from a file in a processing template
- Fixed an issue that would cause the dialog to import session reference material data to show when a session is shared
- Fixed a problem with popup window shadows on windows
- Fixed an issue with U-Pb down-hole fit cropping that could cause the last or first data point to not be used for fitting
- Improved initial guess for U-Pb exponential fitting resulting in more reliable exponential fit convergence
- Fixed an issue when trying to import reference material values from file in a processing template action
- Fixed an issue with checking resource files that may have prevented built-in data reduction schemes from being updated
- Prevented the "potentially unrecoverable error" dialog from showing when selections are moved outside the global time range
- Cosmetic fixes for the messages widget
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.5.0
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- "3D" Trace Elements DRS (beta). This DRS includes calibration blocks, more normalization options, applying internal standards with criteria, and fractionation corrections, among other things.
- iolite 2/3 pxp importer now imports sample metadata
- Added more metadata to Intermediate channels to help with mass shifting experiments
Recent fixes:
- Fixed a rare licensing issue
- Fixed an issue when importing laser logs with unusual line endings
- Fixed a potential crash when importing an iolite 2/3 pxp that does not have a laser log
- Fixed an issue with the rendering of the imaging widget's color gradient selector
- Fixed an issue with external resources update
- Fixed an issue with PE netCDF importer when multiple channels have the same mass
- Python workspace now replaces an empty tab when opening a script and switches to the tab containing the newly opened file
- Fixed an issue with the reference material tree names not updating immediately when edited via the table
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.10
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added Tools->General Importer that can be used to import generic text data
- Inverting polygonal ROI now results in another polygonal ROI rather than a disjoint ROI (useful for clipping filter)
- Added beam seconds from gaps to UcomPbine DRS
- Consolidated automatic selection options -- from samples/logs is done via the data browser and from channels is via the tools
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with Hf isotopes not propagating error if no age was supplied
- Fixed an issue with PE netCDF importer not matching laser logs
- Fixed a potential issue saving a session if you have problematic reference material data
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.9
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added support for filtering images by a polygonal ROI to effectively create a clipping mask
- Added support for converting a ROI to a new selection group
- Changed the default Fe oxide to FeO rather than Fe2O3
Recent fixes:
- Fixed a potential issue with over-saturating RGB images
- Fixed a potential bug when loading a session that has images for channels that no longer exist
- Fixed an issue when importing some iCap files missing trailing commas
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.8
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Reference material data is now stored in sessions and offer users the ability to import RM data from the session file if it doesn't match what is on disk
- Expanded python API
- Added undo/redo for channel deletion from the channels browser
- Added priority for timeSeriesByMass -- now possible to set a "Priority" property on channels to select which channel will be used when selecting a channel by mass (and potentially having multiple matches)
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue that could occur when setting IS data in trace elements DRS without the whole row selected
- Fixed a potential issue with channel sorting and naming when using an Agilent xml file
- Changed automatic handling of spline type when creating splines from python without enough data
- Fixed a possible issue with import log PT action not asking user for the file when the method was set to prompt
- Fixed a possible issue with the laser log combiner if log files contain entries with the same time stamp
- Fixed a potential issue with starting a trial
- Fixed image log images zoom level not changing instantly
- Fixed a potential bug with the channel tree model when deleting channels
- Fixed a potential issue when updating embedded resources
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.7
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Improved presentation of logarithmic color scales
- Some minor additions and improvements to the python API
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.6
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added the ability to import one database into another.
- Added tooltips to database query menus to show the full query.
- Changed the way the time range is zoomed when clicking on a selection in the time series view list -- now zooming to the original extent of the selection if created from samples.
- Added support for editing certain columns in a database.
- Improvements to database export from processing templates.
- Added an option to not error when create selections processing template action produces no selections.
- Added support for iCap mass shifting.
- Added an experimental synchrotron data importer.
- Added an option to export that allows the error being reported to fallback to internal when propagated is missing.
- Added the ability to move selections by duration in a processing template.
- Added minimum/maximum durations when creating selections in processing templates.
- Added basic undo and redo for adding and deleting actions in processing templates.
- Added more command line options, including the ability to run processing templates or python.
- Expanded python api.
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue when importing IS values where incorrect matches might occur.
- Fixed an issue with custom plot settings save and restore.
- Fixed an issue with processing template export configurations.
- Fixed U-Pb ppm channel calculations for channels named by mass rather than element.
- Fixed an issue preventing some DRS settings from being editable in processing templates.
- Fixed an issue with processing template import file selector only allowing .csv.
- Fixed an issue with processing template save session action.
- Fixed an issue with the database data provider used for plotting.
- Fixed possible hang when zooming around dashed lines (e.g. splines in the time series view).
- Fixed an issue in U-Pb for split stream data where Pb/Th was measured on both instruments.
- Fixed an issue causing crashing in the channels menu (used in imaging among other places) that only seemed to affect Apple silicon Macs.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.5
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- You can now jump to a channel's properties from the Time Series View by right-clicking its name
Recent fixes:
- Some minor fixes associated with databases
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements
- Added a background to the color scale in the imaging detailed 2d view for better readability
- Added an option to hide measurements below LOD in the QA/QC secondary check
- Added condensation temperatures to the elements database
- Small changes to discordia age QA/QC module to expand the ranges plotted
- Modified discordia intercept age finding code to be more similar to Isoplot and be more robust
- Changed the opacity of ellipses plotted in the XY results view
- Changed image matrix export so its orientation matches on screen
- Fixed up scale bar drawing for imaging
- Added a way to restore defaults to REEView for element and normalization configurations
- Expanded python API
- You can now load internal standard (IS) values for reference materials (where the IS value varies) in processing templates
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue where channels were not cleared before running DRS in processing template
- Fixed masking in Hf and UComPbine data reduction schemes
- Some fixes for imaging related to pixel sizes and region pixmaps
- Fixed possible exception in imaging when a channel previously imaged is no longer available
- Fixed unnecessary import in database concordia script
- Fixed VizualAge problem preventing 204 correction if 208 and 232 were not measured
- Fixed a possible issue with imaging ROI subdivide by probability
- Fixed an issue with imaging data table export not honouring SD vs SE setting
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Fixed issue with the zip file importer that didn't allow file to be selected in Data Browser
- You can now add configurations to the REEView
- Fixed error that would be reported during Processing Template import action if a csv file could not be imported. Now just reports a warning and continues.
- Improved laser log sync algorithm in Processing Templates to now use the same as that in the Data Browser
- Fixed issue with masking in Baseline Subtract DRS
- Fixed a bug in automatic selections from channels where a match on the first point could cause an spurious interval.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Database: Quick fix for plotting against start and end times
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Database: now when importing the same session file (with or without possible changes), iolite will now just warn you that you are importing duplicates of the same selections rather than reporting an error.
- Fixed an issue during export that affected column headers
- Fixed some issues with re-syncing laser log files
- Added some improvements for handling channel names in split stream experiments
- Provided some minor improvements to imaging
- Fixed an issue with instrument names in split stream experiments that might lead to data not being loaded
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Introducing iolite's new Database feature! It collates your iolite experiments to create a database of results. You can filter, sort and visualise your long term results, as well as keep an eye on your reproducibility and inter-session statistics. There is some introductory documentation available here.
Recent fixes:
- Fixed some issues with loading HDF5 files on Windows
- Added some improvements for Trace Elements Next DRS
- Provided some minor improvements to imaging
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.15
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Added the ability to zoom when aligning external images
- Added an option to display limits of detection below the results/summary stats plot (for channels that have LODs calculated, e.g. trace elements/ppm channels)
- Modified the behaviour of the Hf isotopes DRS Yb optimization such that a spline can be used rather than the group mean
- Added simple mpeg video capture to the imaging detail/3d view
- Added keyboard shortcuts to python console
- Improved processing templates python interface
- Added option for imaging datatable to display SE or SD
- Added a zip importer that can import data files stored in zip archives
- Added U-Pb downhole fit parameters to settings that are stored in session
- Added some percentile based options for image auto scaling
- Added metadata as an option in results/data table
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue with VizualAge and U-Pb QAQC modules where error ellipses were not drawn
- Removed splines from time series view legend
- Fixed an issue with external image alignment dialog when manually aligning images by dragging
- Fixed an issue with external image alignment dialog when no coord file is found
- Fixed some problems with the 'Trace Elements Next' DRS when problematic data are encountered
- Fixed selection label header when exporting from results/data table
- Fixed an issue with the concordia age QAQC module causing it fail with an acceptable age
- Fixed an issue where closed QAQC modules would be stored in the session
- Fixed several issues with the beta 'Trace Elements' Next data reduction scheme
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.14
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- New Welcome Guide that creates folders to store your reference materials,
example scripts and templates. This ensures that any additions or edits you make
to these files are not overwritten when iolite updates, and also avoids
permission/access issues.
- Added U isotope options to U-Pb Geochronology DRS
- You can now export more than one uncertainty type (e.g. basic 2SE,
propagated 2SE and RMInc 2SE
- Added option to include or not include full list of reference material
values in export files
- Added ability to invert searches with ! in the Samples Browser.
Recent fixes:
- Fixed issue with Analytik Jena import for non-English operating
- Fixed issue with VA Andersen correction when common ratios were floats
- Fixed license activation issue on non-English operating systems
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.13
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- You can now optionally show a message when a processing template reaches a
Pause action
- You can now choose to ignore files already loaded when re-running a
processing template
- You can now set up the UnComPbine-VizualAge DRS in a processing template
- Importing, Exporting, Saving Sessions and QAQC modules have been added to
the iolite Python API
Recent fixes:
- Fixed bug during Agilent import from batch folders where isotopes of the
same element may not be correctly imported.
- Fixed bug associated with copying QAQC actions in processing templates
that could lead to crashes.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.12
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Added a 'calculator' processing template action
- Added a 'auto selections' processing template action
- Added context menu to processing template actions list
- Added regex inversion "!" to match text in Create Selection Processing
Template Actions
- Improved colour scale for RGB images
- Improved imaging ROI and profile performance
- Added option to move selections processing template action for criteria based on RSE/RSD
- Added ability to create custom color gradients for imaging, see
Recent fixes:
- Fixed issue when exporting spot coordinates
- Several other small fixes relating to processing templates
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.11
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Fixed addtional issues with Agilent files where both pre- and post-mass shifting
channels were present when loading from batch folders
- Fixed crash associated with importing iolite v3 reference material files
that contain blank lines
- Fixed potential crash when importing X-Series II files with less than
three channels measured
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.10
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Added support for displaying laser system 'ImageLog' images in the active selection popup
- You can now add/edit selection comments in the Hover Stats and REEView
- Added ability to use rich text annotations on plots from python
- Added ability to export imaging overview as shown (e.g. with the selected ROI or profile)
- Expanded python API including ability to manipulate laser log sample start/end times (relevant to this note)
Recent fixes:
- Fixed issue with Agilent files where both pre- and post-mass shifting
channels were present
- Fixed issue with Perkin Elmer NetCDF files where the start time was not
properly parsed
- Fixed potential issue using matplotlib and Qt from python on Windows
- Fixed potential crash when using mass spec metadata to setup selections automatically
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.9
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Added Approx Pb calculation to U-Pb Geochronolgy DRS
- More flexibility in loading text files using the General Importer tool
Recent fixes:
- Fixed potential hang on startup related to re-loading QA-QC plots
- Fixed crash when switching between detail modes without any images created
- Fixed issues associated with "device not found" messages
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.8
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Added a warning to the log when errors are not propagated (e.g. if not enough selections)
- Time series view and qa/qc settings are now stored and restored to/from the session file
- Added warnings to the log when certain Hf isotope channels cannot be calculated due to missing information
- Added an option to clear all channels when running a data reduction scheme
- Improved automatic matching of sample names to reference materials in the samples browser 'create selections' dialog and other similar dialogs
- Added an indicator in processing templates when the template is modified but not saved
- Changed data reduction scheme support functions to default to no mask rather null mask
- Changed data reduction scheme support functions to propagate external standard channel property from inputs to baseline subtracted channels
- Added 'Trace Elements Next' data reduction scheme as a preview/beta to an updated trace elements data reduction scheme allowing for sum normalization calibration. The original trace elements data reduction scheme is still available as 'Trace Elements'
- Sped up the retrival of selection start/end times
- Added ability to get oxide conversion factors from elements database
- Reworked LOD calculation for new 'Trace Elements Next' such that they are updated when selections are adjusted after running the data reduction scheme
- Updated stacked plot to use updated channels combobox
- Improved selection/group properties models updating efficiency
- Added buttons to reset the view in imaging/3d
- Added the option to create imaging ROI by PCA clusters (beta)
- Sped up retrival of time series data when not using additional matching criteria
- Updated baseline subtraction support functions to propagate dwell time information from inputs to baseline subtracted channels
- Added MSWD and probability to concordia age QA/QC plugin and an option to use propagated uncertainty
- Added keyboard shortcuts to zoom in/out in laser sync window (alt++/alt+-)
- Much faster selecting of channels in the channels browser
- Added ability to use discontinuous splines (beta - see preferences/stats to enable), useful if you are importing data spanning multiple mass spec sessions
- Added an option to export reference material values in exported data tables (e.g. to compare values measured for secondary standards to known values)
- Improved speed when adding selections via the selections browser
- Added a basic 'Custom Plot' plugin that allows one to create and customize a plot interactively using channel or selection data
- Expanded python API including ability to get mass spec file metadata among other things
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue preventing some Agilent files from importing
- Fixed percent difference calculation in element check to match secondary check
- Fixed an issue restoring negative crops in the samples browser 'create selections' dialog
- Fixed a memory leak regarding deleted channels
- Fixed a memory leak related to the imaging channels menu
- Fixed a possible issue affecting imaging channels menu searching
- Fixed a possible crash in UcomPbine DRS if missing a channel for mass 208
- Fixed an issue with 'Element Check' QA/QC when reference material data are not in ppm
- Fixed a possible crash when imaging selection group is set to None
- Fixed exporting the results data table to Excel without uncertainty/LOD appearing as text rather than numbers (and Excel complaining about it)
- Fixed a potential issue affecting the results x/y stats model that could lead to a crash
- Fixed a potential sorting issue in the results data table
- Fixed a potential issue where changing the spline type may not update the displayed spline immediately
- Fixed null results for median + MAD stats when all values were the same for a selection/channel (e.g. baseline all 0)
- Fixed a possible crash in imaging related to accessing removed images
- Fixed an issue for laser logs with blank lines
- Fixed dialog for dwell times showing even if dwell time information is already known
- Fixed a potential issue affecting linked selections restoring properly from session files
- Other small changes to improved performance and reliability
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.7
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue where changing Export Favourites could cause a crash
- Export sorting now handles non-English options
- When exporting the Imaging Data Table, the ROI names are now exported along with the data
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.6
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- New Shimadzu csv file importer (beta)
- (Advanced) You can now set selections to durations less than 1 s in the Time Series View. See the Advanced Preferences.
- You can now combine filters in the Results Data Table using AND/OR logic
- Expanded python API:
- Can now generate splines from numpy data without creating/registering time series data
- Can now create a basic 3d plot using a built in widget
- Improved crash reports
- Changed log and crash report path to a location outside program files to avoid issues with permissions
- Added several additional outputs to the Hf isotopes DRS
- Added ability to set selection group properties in the selections browser
- Popup plot in summary stats and x/y stats now uses SE instead of SD to display the selection rectangle
- Added a channel property to keep track of which image is associated with a channel that is derived from an external image
- Added a check for trying to export image matrices without exporting individuals
Recent fixes:
- Fixed editing Export Favourites. You can now update export options without having to save a new favourite.
- Fixed export sorting. Now sorts selections according to label/time/groups.
- Fixed export of associated results (e.g. error correlations) in csv file exports.
- Fixed an issue preventing the use of ratio channels in Results Data Table filters
- Fixed an issue when creating masks from cutoffs with trim
- Fixed a scaling issue in the time series view that resulted in multiple ticks with the same value due to a lack of precision
- Fixed an issue with fonts in Python Workspace on mac
- Fixed an issue with length scale positioning in imaging exports
- Fixed a potential problem related to restoring image settings
- Fixed masking in Hf isotopes DRS
- Fixed a potential problem when creating selections from a laser log that extends beyond the imported data
- Fixed an issue that prevented input IS values with more than 2 decimal places
- Fixed an issue with exported imaging metadata where the spot size might not refelect that used for the current group
- Fixed a potential issue with disjoint ROI pixmaps when switching between Cell Space and From Selections
- Fixed a potential issue with storing and recalling external images and other image settings
- Fixed a potential issue when using external images in RGB or 3D detailed views
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- You can now export group summary statistics when exporting to Excel and csv files
- You can now use the "Printed:" line in Agilent csv files to avoid synchronisation issues
- BETA iolite v4 can now read Agilent files containing Chinese characters
- Faster opening of imaging sessions
- You can now optionally export spot coordinates
- Expanded python API
- Added optional color scale to 3d imaging view
- Added buttons to 3d imaging view to reset rotation
- BETA added ability to create imaging ROI by using principal component analysis and k-means clustering
Recent fixes:
- Fixed possible crash when opening an imaging session that was configued to use an image in a detailed view that was later deleted
- Fixed possible issues restoring imaging detailed setup
- Fixed two possible memory leaks
- Fixed possible issue with creating associated results from python
- Changed Hf DRS to lookup required channels by mass so that names like 'm177' or 'Hf177'
- Fixed importing .prn files that are UTF16 encoded
- Fixed units for Nu plasma imported files
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Fixed issues with VizualAge-UCPb where channels from multicollector instruments might not be found.
- Fixed an issue where sessions could be corrupted if the save process was interrupted.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Improved imaging mask filter by allowing multiple criteria for any channel
- Added an indicator for image filters that are applied to all images
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue that prevented LODs from being calculated when using the trace elements DRS in semi-quantitative mode
- Fixed an issue with the expand by interpolating filter when using Cell Space
- Fixed some possible problems with image filter restoration
- Performance improvements when opening a session
- Various fixes for ROI from seed
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.5
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Warn before exporting matrices to Excel as this process may take a while
- Added contrasting background rectangles behind image titles in imaging overview
- Imaging inspectors now update as ROI/profiles are edited
- Cleaned up the presentation of several imaging inspectors
- Added a density (KDE) imaging inspector
- Added a raw imaging inspector
- Added a XY-Z(color) imaging inspector
- Added a basic REE imaging inspector
- Upgraded channels menu used in hover stats
- Changed channels popup used in imaging so that it will stay open to allow multiple selections without having to reopen the menu
- Changed the imaging profile viewer to be optional and cleaned up its presentation
- Added the ability to define imaging inspectors with python
- Added mask by log to trace elements DRS
- Improved text handling in various python editors
- Added more features to python plotting interface
- Added imaging interface to python workspaces
- Added a way to save RGB and stack images as “external” images
- Changed DRS settings to be scrollable thus allowing more comfortable use on smaller resolution displays
- Added ability to update license details via the preferences
- Added openpyxl to python site-packages
- Expanded python API
- Changed step forward/backward spline fitting to step at the beginnings/ends of selections rather than middle
- Added selection names as a display option in the time series widget context menu
- Added 208/232 to VA parameters
- Added concordia age and discordia age to VizualAge live concordia options
- Added “None” to UCPb DRS DH fit options
- Added styling to outliers in summary stats plot
- Added ability to invert an ROI
- Added ability to intersect ROIs
- Added an imaging filter that allows you to specify your own matrix to convolve
Recent fixes:
- Fixed some font size issues in exported images overview
- Fixed some imaging resolution dependencies on image’s physical area
- Fixed an issue with automatic suffix in saving from detailed views
- Fixed a possible issue with profile colouring in export
- Fixed translation of ROI/profiles when switching between cell space/from selections for maps that were not mapped square to the cell axes
- Fixed a potential crash when exporting from imaging
- Fixed a potential issue with imaging export progress
- Fixed a potential issue where ROI/profiles would be drawn on the overview when exporting
- Prevent editing of a disjoint ROI that was not created from criteria
- Fixed a potential problem with the imaging setup checklist
- Fixed a potential crash when setting imaging type after setting a group and channels
- Fixed an issue in the detailed 2d image view where the colour bar could be cutoff
- More consistent ROI/profile handle sizes
- Fixed fit to view in detailed imaging views when images are rotated
- Fixed duplicates in image stack add menu
- Fixed some issues with ROI/profile labels when images rotated and/or mirrored
- Fixed an issue matching some data in Agilent XML files
- Fixed an issue with linked selections not updating when changing a component selection
- Fixed session not marked as modified when making changes in imaging
- Fixed XY stats plot not updating when selection deleted
- Fixed issue when only 1 channel is in an Agilent file
- Fixed issue with very short selections in VizualAge
- Fixed potential crash when requesting out of bounds selection from python
- Fixed a potential problem when python-based importer emits finished
- Fixed hover stats not responding to selection deleted
- Fixed an issue in loading Agilent batch files with non-English characters
- Fixed possible issues with ROI from criteria that could lead to a crash or incorrect ROI
- Fixed a possible issue with imaging when selection group removed
- Fixed an issue with removing imaging filters when session reopened (note: this will not work with old sessions)
- Fixed an issue with selection start times being after end times when using auto selections
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Added approximate U and Th concentrations to UComPbine DRS
- Added U/Th to UcomPbine DRS
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an unhandled exception issue for channels of entirely null data (e.g. baseline splines for masked channels)
- Fixed an issue on macOS that prevented an io4 file opened from Finder to be properly loaded into an already running/modified session
- Other minor changes to VizualAge and VizualAge UComPbine
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Major changes
- Heatmap selector tool (beta) is now included! (Tools → Heatmap Selector)
- Dwell times configuration tool (Tools → Dwell Times)
Other new features and enhancements:
- Auto selections setup now copies sample name to selection name
- Added an option to include selection comments when exporting data
- Expanded python API
- Added additional 3rd party python modules
- Added feedback when importing internal standard values
- Improved trial activation failure dialog
- Added a way to reveal entire external image with mapped area indicated
- Significantly improved regions of interest from seed
- Improved default scaling in U-Pb downhole fit plots
- Added a replace option for auto selections setup
- Added a message to indicate how many files were imported vs requested when importing multiple files
- Improved compatibility for compiled downhole data between different data reduction schemes
- Made additional mathematical functions available in the 'Calculator' tool (e.g. log, exp)
- Added ability to export notes to PDF
- Added support for molecular channels in iCap importer
- Added downhole average and group stats to stacked plot
- Stacked plot now stores and restores its configuration
- Added better error handling for creating reference materials
- Changed the behaviour of the time series widget in a few ways, including tools applying to all selected channels, and rescaling applying to all channels
- Added a warning when importing data without dwell time information
- Added PDF export for QA/QC reports
- Added external reference material to the secondary RM check QA/QC module's table
- Improved compatibility with certain laser logs
- Added preferences to set the default stats methods for new sessions
- Added export configuration delete undo
- Python export now saves the previously used path
- Added sorting to automatic selections from channels matches table
- Added ability to move entire regions of interests/profiles in imaging by shift+click+dragging
- Added preferences for the default spline types for new sessions
- Added propagated errors to summary / xy results plots when available
- Improved popup plot (e.g. when double clicking on a data point in summary stats) to allow selection moving, deleting, copying, commenting, etc.
- Added 'quality of fit' information to UcomPbine DRS (similar to U-Pb DRS)
- Made 208/232 optional in UComPbine DRS
- Improved summary stats styling
- Improved automatic time scaling in laser sync window
- Changed zooming behaviour in popup plots so that only the y axis is zoomed
- Added ability to show/hide group selections in VizualAge live concordia (previous all group selections were shown all the time)
Recent fixes:
- Fixed a possible crash in Agilent importer for very short data files
- Fixed a possible issue in secondary check QA/QC module if reference material data were not in ppm
- Fixed a bug with U-Pb downhole fit window context menu's 'goto selection' action
- Fixed a possible issue with recalculating propagated errors when reloading a session
- Fixed a possible crash in processing templates load internal standard values action
- Fixed a bug with external images when doing images 'from selections'
- Fixed an issue with image scale bars not being set on the specified images
- Fixed some issues with regions of interest from criteria
- Fixed some bugs related to image discarding
- Fixed a possible issue when loading sessions with imaging data
- Fixed a possible hang in calculating group statistics
- Fixed a possible issue when unloading multiple files at a time
- Fixed a possible issue that would have the display and menu becoming out of sync for the export groups and channels settings
- Fixed a possible issue with notes being properly restored when opening a session from an in-progress session
- Fixed the export processing template action's status on successful completion
- Fixed an issue with the save session processing template action
- Fixed an issue with the weighted mean group statistics calculation
- Fixed an issue with the 'Crunch DRS' button needing be clicked twice after the trace elements DRS failed to run
- Fixed image export not honouring the mirror settings
- Fixed a bug with region of interest label size in detailed views
- Fixed a bug with rotated length scales in imaging
- Fixed a possible issue with the save before quitting/new/opening prompt
- Fixed an issue with the re-run DRS dialog for reopened sessions that have not had a DRS run since opening
- Fixed an issue with freshly opened sessions telling you they have been modified
- Fixed some possible unhandled exceptions with group stats
- Fixed an issue with smoothed cubic spline fit for downhole fractionation when smoothing parameter is manually set to 1
- Fixed a possible issue calculating LODs when imported channels have names that include the machine name
- Fixed a possible bug when exponential downhole fits were nearly linear
- Fixed a possible crash when rapidly changing between sessions
- Fixed a possible issue with a session seeming to be modified immediately after saving
- Fixed an issue with selections browser when using more than 1 window
- Fixed a possible issue with channel bounds when infinite data involved
- Fixed an issue with discordia age QA/QC module showing nonsense until a group is selected
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Major changes
- REEView tool (beta) is now included!
Other new features and enhancements:
- You can now view the exported results from iolite by clicking "Open File" and your exported file will be automatically opened. Similarly, you can open the folder containing your exported file
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue in the Nu Plasma AttoM importer where NICE data in the file would prevent data import
- Fixed an issue where groups that had been deleted might cause issues in the Results Summary Stats plot
- Fixed an issue where selection names were all the same, and not all selections were recorded in time-series exports
- Minor fixes for Calculator
- Minor fixes for downhole compilations in U-Pb
- Minor fixes for VA
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- Updated the included documentation (pdf) to be in sync with
- iolite 3 DRS settings are now displayed in messages when importing a .pxp file.
- Modified the image median filter to tolerate missing data.
- Expanded python API, notably groupStats and group spline type.
- Intermediate and output channels are now removed when unloading input data (with warning).
- Added more decimals to various controls that can be useful for measurements in volts.
- Tweaked splining behaviour.
- Improved laser log importing from iolite 3 pxps.
- Changed VizualAge calculation outputs to be in Ma.
- iolite 3 importer now imports intermediate and output channels.
- Added a recent sessions menu to the main sessions menu.
Recent fixes:
- Fixed several possible issues relating to index time and split stream datasets.
- Fixed an issue with image ROI centroids (i.e. labelling).
- Fixed mass and element properties not being set on channels for overlapping data (i.e. split stream).
- Fixed a possible problem in propagated error calculation for unusual data.
- Fixed a possible issue with median/MAD stats relating to splines.
- Fixed a possible issue with profile subsection dimensions.
- Fixed a possible issue with imaging data table regions when changing groups.
- Fixed a possible crash when importing blank IS values.
- Fixed an issue with sample labels in the Agilent XML reader.
- Fixed window geometry on new session.
- Fixed a possible issue when trying to restablish associated results on session load if the required channels are not available.
- Fixed an issue with missing selections that may prevent a session from loading.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.3.0
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Major changes
- Concordia and discordia age QA/QC modules (beta) are now included.
- Reworked license handling. If everything goes smoothly, the only thing you will notice is that you need to enter your license details again.
Other new features and enhancements:
- Image matrices are now stored in the session file and can be used in other software that can read hdf5.
- Improved Hf DRS, particularly concerning the auto optimization of 176/173 to achieve equality on synthetic materials (e.g. MUN zircon).
- Reference material names are now sorted by matrix and then name by default, meaning they shouldn't appear in unexpected order in the user interface.
- Added error propagation for 238/206 in U-Pb DRS.
- Changed exporters so that internal error is reported for channels that do not have propagated error.
- Changed the time series widget color chooser.
- Associated results (e.g. error correlations) are now re-established when opening a session.
- Small changes to the UcomPbine DRS.
- Added to the python API.
- Changed the type of several U-Pb DRS channels such that only the "Final" channels are outputs.
- Added the ability to mask above or below the specified value when using the image mask filter.
- Changed the way image ".coord" files are searched for.
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue when reference material data from GeoReM contained no units.
- Fixed an issue with group statistics for groups with only 1 selection.
- Neptune importer no longer imports files that have only one line of data in them.
- Fixed an issue with the Perkin Elmer NetCDF importer.
- Fixed a U-Pb DRS issue when 208/232 were measured but the reference material does not define that ratio.
- Fixed a potential hang in the automatic splining process.
- Increased the number of decimal places possible when specifying beam seconds thersholds.
- Fixed default path for iolite 3 reference matieral importer.
- Fixed an issue with Nu Plasma importer.
- Fixed imaging data table reporting SD rather than SE.
- Fixed a possible issue with VizualAge showing an active selection for a no longer active group.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.2.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New features and enhancements:
- VizualAge UcomPbine (beta) for iolite 4.
- Expanded python api and distributed packages.
- Hover stats now allows you to double click a data point to make it the active selection.
- Boustrophedon mapping support for images from selections.
- Added options for exporting detailed images.
- Added context menu to python console that allows for clearing/saving.
- Major speed up of LOD calculations for trace elements DRS.
- Added ability to delete vertices from ROI and profiles.
- Faster iolite 3 importer (~ 10x in our testing).
- Added option to show length scales on 3D images.
- Added a median filter to imaging.
- Added auto-syncing to the mass spec. data syncing tool.
- Faster and better laser log syncing.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue when importing raw data from a folder containing an io4 session.
- Fixed map alignment and raster style when loading a session.
- Fixed channel calculator type specifier.
- Fixed issue with GeoReM importer relating to oxide conversion.
- Fixed an issue with image min/max values.
- Fixed an issue with VizualAge when the active selection group was a baseline group.
- Fixed a possible issue where outdated splines might be used.
- Fixed a bug when using linear as a downhole fractionation model.
- Fixed an issue with Japanese Agilent data files.
- Fixed an issue with processing template python actions.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.2.0
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Introducing VizualAge (beta) for iolite 4
- New and improved live concordia plotting
- 204Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb and Andersen common Pb corrections
- Dose and discordance calculations
Other new features:
- Initial support for importing reference material data directly from GeoReM
- iolite now reads dwell times from .FIN files
Recent fixes:
- Fixed an issue where deleting a selection in the time series view without a channel plotted could cause a crash
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.1.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- This release is to fix an issue with incorrect LOD values introduced in version 4.1.2 which resulted in Longerich and Howell LODs of zero.
- Also included is a fix for a crash that might occur when loading very short AttoM files.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.1.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
New Features:
- Automatic selections just got smarter! If you select all your samples and click on the Auto Selections button in the Samples browser, iolite will automatically work out which groups each sample belongs in and add those groups. It will even add baseline selections for you automatically before each sample. It's a really quick way to add all your selections in one go.
- We've started adding more image inspectors. These are specific ways of visualisation data from images. The first new inspector is a Wetherill Concordia inspector that plots your image ROI data on a concordia diagram to help you better understand the U-Pb ratios of your sample.
- iolite can now load Perkin Elmer NetCDF files! No more outputting multiple files per sample. There will be more details added to the documentation about how best to set up your LA-ICP-MS in Syngistix soon.
- You can now access your import settings (e.g. Agilent time format) without having to go to Preferences. Just click and hold on the Import button in the Files Browser to see and adjust your import settings.
- Added ability to create Images From Selections with vertical scan lines
- We've added many improvements to QAQC modules and the QAQC View. These improvements include better export, larger QAQC windows by default, and much more. Expect to see more QAQC modules from iolite soon!
- Support for Laser Ablation Split Streaming (LASS) has been improved, especially where two instruments of the same type are used.
Recent fixes:
- Fixed issue where iCap files with no lines of data could cause crash.
- Many fixes for the U-Pb Geochronology DRS, including better support for multi-collector instruments
- Fixed issues with Analytik Jena/Varian file import for multi-sample imports
- Fixed some issues with creating and editing image ROIs
- Fixed bug when importing data with python importers
- Fixed issues associated with blank group names
- Fixed the color selector in the Results View tables so that you can set the color of your groups
- Improved loading of iolite v3 files, including recalculating TotalBeam and IndexTime
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.1.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Recent fixes:
- Faster loading of session files and faster startup
- Fixed RGB image having gaps for data outside view extremes
- You can now access laser log samples from the Python API
- Fixed some issues with image filters
- Fixed possible lockup when trying to load the same laser log file twice
- Fixed an issue where the selection info popup in the Time Series View could cause iolite to hang
- Fixed another issue where iolite could crash on startup
- Fixed issue with last laser spot in laser sync window
- Other stability and speed improvements
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.1.1
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
iolite v4.1.1 is a minor bug fix update. See v4.1 for full list of recent updates.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.1.0
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Making iolite's python integration official!
- Expanded python API now documented here
- Additional examples available here
- Experiment, innovate, and let us know how we can improve the API
- Stay tuned for blog posts on interesting things you can do with python in iolite
Other changes:
- iCap importer now imports dwell times
- Fixed some issues importing data from iolite 3 experiments
- Fixed some issues importing icpTOF data, including being able to import more than one file
- Fixed some multicollector channel metadata issues
Data reduction schemes
- Added total Pb to trace elements DRS
- Changed trace elements DRS to apply settings changes to all if nothing is selected
- Added U/Th ratio to U-Pb DRS outputs
- Added approximate U and Th concentrations to U-Pb DRS
- Added mass finding to U-Pb DRS
- Channels created by a DRS are now automatically removed when it is re-run. This can save memory and avoid a disparate set of output channels. Note that a DRS only removes its own channels so that multiple schemes can be run.
- Added a 'Z Score' module
- Changed 'Secondary Check' to show all isotopes measured.
- Fixed stats for disjoint ROIs when imaging from selections
- Fixed jpeg export
- Fixed issue with line and font sizes on export
- Fixed log scale ticks
- Fixed editing an ROI from criteria
- Fixed issue when selections for imaging from selections contained no data
- Fixed clipping of height in 3D view according to channel limits
- Fixed a possible crash when reloading an imaging session
- Settings now stored per group so that switching between groups doesn't lose all the changes you've made (e.g. custom limits)
- Regions and profiles now stored per group so that switching between groups doesn't lose all regions and profiles
Processing templates
- Added a 'save session' action
- Fixed slow import of folders with a lot of files
- Fixed export via favorite
- Fixed a variety of python integrations
User interface
- Error messages are now displayed in a dialog rather than just being logged to the messages area
- Fixed issues affecting some when restoring window state
- Added a prompt to save before quitting
- Remember crop settings when creating selections via sample browser
- Fixed a potential problem with automatic syncing of laser logs
- Fixed an issue when copying and deleting selections in the selections browser
- Added sorting to the results data table
And many other small enhancements and bug fixes.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
A quick update to address an error in v4.0.9 that could prevent startup due to a bad python site packages path. Now, if you hold the Shift key on startup, you will be asked if you want to reset all settings. Use this option if you are having troubles with iolite closing down shortly after startup.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.9
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
A big update that adds a lot of new features (see below) and addresses a few issues
- Added a new 'Channel Calculator': you can create new channels by entering an expression. For example, if you want to create a new channel with the U/Th ratio, the expression would be U238_ppm / Th232_ppm. Click calculate and as easy as that, you now have a new channel. It'll even let you know if your expression worked. Check it out in the Tools menu -> Calculator. We'll add a blog post describing it in detail soon.
- You can now export 'selection marker' files. These files allow you to save a group of selections so that, for example, you can re-run processing templates etc and then reload manually.
- You can now save your export configurations to file. You can then share these files with others, so that your colleagues are using the same export format/options etc.
- Added more statistical details (e.g. MSWD)to the Results views, as well as fixing problems with values not updating in this view.
- After a lot of work, we have introduced support for Perkin Elmer .rep files. There are many variations on this file format, so if you have troubles, please get in contact with us.
- Added to, and improved, the selection info panel that appears when you press the 'a' key when a selection is in Edit mode. I recommend checking this little feature out: it's very handy!
- Added ability for U-Pb DRS to use different U ratio for RMs
- Added the hover tool to show more detail for each selection in the Results XY Plot tab
- Added a notice to show when you need to re-crunch your data. This can be turned on/off
- Added selection start/end times and durations to exports
- Moved the continue button in the U-Pb DRS so that it's not hidden behind the progress indicator
- Some DRS (currently Trace Elements and U-Pb) will let you know if you have settings issues before you run the DRS (saves you having to wait until the DRS is finished to find out if a setting is missing etc)
- Added a modern marine carbonate standard (C_MMC)
- Zircon stds are now properly auto-selected when creating selections
- Fixes for updating min/max limits for images
- Added uncertainty heading in exported files
- Some fixes for importing external images
- Improved spline calculations
- Fixed issue with linked selections when reloading sessions
- Fixed issue with aspect ratio of 3D images not appearing correctly
- Fixes for loading folders of files other than csv or FIN2 type files
- Many other stability and performance fixes
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Another rapid response bug fix release
A quick update to address the following issues:
- Fixed issues related to importing Nu Plasma III files
- Now each time you add a channel to the Time Series View, it has a new color
- You can now replace values less than the LOD with -[LOD]. For example, if your value was 1 µg.g-1 and your LOD was 2 µg.g-1, it will be replaced with -2 in the export file by using -[LOD] in the export options.
- Added a new easy way to select channels. No more scrolling through the list of every channel imported and created. You can now search for a channel, or view channels according to their type (input, intermediate or output)
- Lots of minor improvements to Processing Templates View.
- Some more stability improvements
Also, by popular demand, we've added a batch converter for converting multiple iolite v3 Reference Material files to v4 format.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Rapid response bug fix release
A quick update to address the following issues:
- Fixed more issues with loading FIN2 files
- Fixed a crashing bug in Agilent file import with different line endings
- Added Duration field to Create Selections Processing Template action
- The Secondary Check QAQC module now orders results by mass, rather than alphabetically
- A lot of additions to the U-Pb DRS, including:
- Goodness of fit parameters are now back
- improved model fitting, with outliers rejected from average downhole data
- the addition of a a really handy feature where you can right click on any trace on the downhole window and go to that selection in the Time Series View
- highlighting of selections under the mouse in downhole correction plots
- A fix for an issue where a 0 start crop could cause splines to not be calculated, causing the DRS to fail
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Rapid response bug fix release
A quick update to address the following issues:
- Fixed crashes in Time Series View associated with filtering of channels
- Fixed issue with loading FIN2 files
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.8
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
Massive bug fixing release!
- Fixed crashes in Time Series View associated with scaling or zooming in and out of channels
- You can now choose whether to run iolite on multiple threads or not. More threads are faster, but you are also more likely to find issues
associated with multi-threading. Now iolite gives you the option.
- You can now select an area to zoom to in the Time Series Tab (similar to iolite v3)
- Fixed the issue where drag controls in the Time Series view interfered with manually defining selections
- Added sample labels to laser log sync window
- Fixed issues with QAQC module buttons not showing correctly
- Fixed issues with selections not being reloaded properly when reopening a session
- Fix for selection group names disappearing when clicking on them in the Time Series view
- Fixed bugs when setting selection durations in the Selections Browser
- Fixes for resyncing laser log files
- Fixed incorrect units in zircon reference material files
- Changed spline selection to be more like iolite v3 when a group contains few selections
- Plus lots of other minor fixes
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.7
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
- Lots of python updates and fixes
- Fixes for importing Int Std values
- More fixes for crashes
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.6
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
- Some more fixes for the Perkin Elmer importer.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.5
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
- Some more fixes for the iCapQ importer, and other importers in general.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.4
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
- Made AttoM importer more able to deal with sample metadata spread across headers
- Minor fixes to the Trace Elements DRS LOD calculations so it doesn’t abort if doesn’t find RM value for certain element
- Fixed the bug with setting dwell times for channels
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.3
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
- Fixed issues with the AttoM file importer
- Fixed issues with the iCapQ file importer
- Other minor bug fixes.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.2
If your auto-update fails, the latest version can be manually downloaded from:
- Added Perkin Elmer .xl file importer. Requires the new iolite.rop file and Timestamps.pex files.
- Fixed a data import issue affecting some users with non-English system locales. Now a different data import locale can be specified via the preferences.
- Fixed a rare crash when reloading an iolite 4 session.
- Fixed a bug when importing some fin2 files.
- Other minor bug fixes.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0.1
In this update, we have fixed an import issue that affects timestamps with lowercase am/pm. We have also added the ability to use Regular Expressions when searching for files or samples in the Data Browser (see this wikipedia entry for details on Regular Expressions).
We have also fixed an issue where the Processing Templates view did not update after the lanuage was changed.
If you have any questions about this release, please feel free to email us at
Version 4.0
Welcome to the first official release of iolite v4. This latest iteration of iolite is the culmination of almost three years of development and planning, creating a brand
new application built for speed, power and flexibility from the ground up for LA-ICP-MS using C++ and python. It has a modern, easy to use, interface with a clearly set
out workflow so that you can find what you're looking for when you need it.
We have improved the ease of getting data into and out of iolite, including the ability to copy and paste to and from other applications (such as Excel). You can also save
channel data, results and much more as csv and Excel files with the click of your mouse.
iolite v4 is easy to learn, especially if you have used previous versions of iolite, where the system
of selections, splines and DRS make processing your data fast, flexible and most importantly precise, using the most up to date statistical approaches for laser ablation
And just like iolite v3, you can create your own DRS, standards etc, and share these with your collaborators, or with the iolite Community in general. iolite v4 will
include the ability to interact with your data using Python v3, so you can write your own QAQC script, or customise your exports (or even create a standard export pdf
to share with your customers). The full functionality of python will be released in the coming months with a description of the API being made available at that time.
We are very excited about the release of this new approach to processing LA-ICP-MS data, and look forward to hearing how you enjoy it.
The latest version can be always be downloaded from:
[Nth America Mirror]
[Everywhere else]